Chinese New Year Gathering
活动开始由两光主席带领各出席理事与宗亲们祭拜祖先,祈求祖 先保佑宗亲们永远幸福,安康。祭祖仪式过后,各位宗亲与家属互相祝贺,醒狮团也前来表演助兴,使现场欢乐的气氛更上一 层楼。
On 7th February 2013, Ang Shee General Association continued its tradition by holding its annual Chinese New Year Celebration banquet.
The event began with clan fellow members paying respect to the ancestors for good fortune and blessing for the rest of the lunar year and beyond. The atmosphere of this happy occasion was further heightened by the traditional Lion Dance performance.
Fun-filled games and activities were enthusiastically participated by the committee members, clan fellow members and their children. And of course, the Chairman distributed Hong Bao to the elderly as a form of respects and best wishes for their good fortune and health.
The event was a great success, with everyone present enjoyed the joyful occasion and the sumptuous banquet.