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5D4N Tour To Fujian Province of China cum Cultural Exchange

Fujian Province of China

11月2日早上7点,翁氏总会一行18人集合于樟宜机场第一大厦,准备飞往福建省最著名、素有 "海上明珠" 之称的滨海城市–厦门。

隔天早餐后,宗亲们先前往"中国十大魅力名鎮"–泰宁,搭乘竹筏漂流上清溪看丹霞(丹霞定义为"有陡崖的陆上红层地貌"),上清溪景色秀丽,号称有 " 九十九曲八十八滩",水面最宽处不过20米,最窄处只容双排竹筏通过。两岸人迹罕至,森林茂盛,方圆几十哩内仍保持原始状态,形成弯多、滩急、山高、林密、峽逼的特点。随后参观状元街青铜雕塑群、状元文化广场,漫步尚书第古街。




On 2 Nov 2017 at 7.00 a.m., a group of 18 clansmen from Ang Shee General Association assembled at Changi Airport Terminal 1, heading toward the most well-known "Pearl of the Seas" coastal Xiamen City of Fujian Province, China.

The next day after breakfast, the group of clansmen visited "China top ten charming town-Taining", they had a ride on bamboo rafts drifting up the limpid stream to view Danxia (The definition of Danxia is the red-surface landform of cliff). The scenery of which is beautiful, so called "Nighty-nine curves and Eighty-eight beaches". The widest part of this stream is not more than twenty meters, and the narrowest part only allow to pass through for two rows of bamboo rafts. Both sides of the shore are inaccessible and the forest is flourish and this area of several ten miles still remain its original state. This place has formed special features of numerous turns, rapid stream, high Mountain, thick forest and narrow ravine. After that the group then visited the Bronze Sculpture Group in Zhuangyuan Street, Zhuangyuan Cultural Square and stroll along Shangshu Digu Street.

On the third day, the group visited the Wengshi Ancestral Hall at Zhuzhuang Village, Beigao Town, Putian City, where they paid their respect to the ancestors and had a chat about the old days. After having a group picture taken as a memento and taken lunch, the group proceeded to Kebang Village Jinbao Hall located in Longmen Town in Anxi County, Xiamen City, Fujian Province.

On the fourth day, after breakfast, the group visited Wengshi Ancestral Hall at Hutou. After lunch they went sightseeing at Qingshui Yan where is a Temple located in the mountain worshiping the Qingshui founder. After that, they visited Chenghuang Temple and the China Tea Capital tasting the Guanqiao dried bean curd and Hutou Meefen. Then the group returned to Xiamen and check-in at the hotel, and had their free time at night for shopping.

On the fifth day, after breakfast, all of them visited the local food market until noon and went for a vegetarian lunch at Nan Pu Tuo, then headed to the airport for returning to our warm home-town.

​Event Photos

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