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Parents' Day Lunch Gathering

Qian Xi Paya Lebar Restaurant

妇女组与康乐组再接再厉,于2018年5月1日在千禧楼(巴耶利峇) 举办了第九届双亲节午餐聚会。 早上11点30分,参加聚会的宗亲们带着家人陆陆续续的入场,参加的人数有两百多人。


午宴12点开始。 总会主席两光宗长致词时感谢所有参加聚会的宗亲和家人的支持,并感谢妇女组与康乐组所付出的努力,使双亲节能成功的举办。 他也祝福所有的妈妈和爸爸们双亲节快乐,健康与幸福。午宴在第三道佳肴后便举行每桌共切蛋糕仪式,节目主持带领全场合唱生日快乐歌,祝福父母们天天快乐,身体健康, 气氛非常温馨。曾参与黄金年华歌唱节目的歌手也受邀到场献唱,娱乐大家。宗亲和家人也上台参加有趣的游戏节目,让宴会充满了欢乐的气氛。 在此我们感谢两光宗长报效音响系统的租用费,歌星红包,酒席小费, 拍照费用和22个生日蛋糕。 也要感谢康乐组主任本典宗亲和妇女组主任桦姿宗姐报效游戏礼物。

桦姿宗姐致感谢词时表扬父母的养育之恩和无私的付出,她也强调子女们 要感恩和关爱父母,并希望大家能渡过一个愉快的下午。 午宴在2点30分结束。

The Women's Committee and the Recreational Committee of Ang Shee General Association (ASGA) kept up the tradition and held the 9th Annual Parents' Day Lunch Gathering on 1 May 2018 at Paya Lebar Qian Xi Restaurant. On that day from 11.30 am, members and their relatives started arriving at the venue. There were more than 200 participants in total.

There was a photo taking booth set up at the event hall, providing free photo taking services for attendees who wished to take remembrance photos wearing hats in special design and face masks of their choice, be it in solo or with family members or clan members.

The banquet lunch commenced at 12 noon. In President Lian Kwang's speech, he thanked all participants for attending the event, and appreciated the Women's Committee and the Recreational Committee for their effort to make this event happened. He also wished all Mama and Papa happy Parents' Day and stay healthy. After the third dish being served, the Emcee led the floor for a mass cake-cutting ceremony, singing birthday song, blessing all parents and family members good health and everlasting happiness in life. The atmosphere was very warm. The singers who previously participated in the "Golden Age Talentime" programme were also invited to sing in the event, showcasing their Karaoke skills on stage. Interactive games involving the participation of children and adults brought the festive atmosphere to the climax. Special thanks to clan elder Lian Kwang for his sponsorship of sound system rental fee, tips for the singers and the restaurant, photographing costs and 22 birthday cakes. We also would like to thank the Women's Committee's Director Huay Tee and the Recreational Committee's Director Phoon Tian for their sponsorship of souvenirs to those taking part in the games session.

Thereafter, the Women's Committee's Director gave a speech thanking all guests for their participation. In her speech, she praised the selfless care and unconditional love given by parents. She also stressed that children should be grateful and caring for their parents and hoped that everyone had a pleasant afternoon. The banquet lunch ended at 2.30 pm.

​Event Photos

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