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Spring Festival Ancestor Worship Ceremony cum "Respect the Elderly" Lunch Reception

Qian Xi Paya Lebar Restaurant

4/02/2017 – 农历正月初八,翁氏宗亲、理事们聚集于会所一起祭拜祖先、祈福。仪式后,两头双目炯炯的舞狮则舞动狮身,绕行会所大厅一周,象征迎新去旧。大伙儿围站见证采青时,只见狮子在地上"休息"片刻,再度跃起时,肚皮下变出单瓣柑橘拼成一个单字"旺",希望为宗亲们带来好运。

紧随新春祭祖仪式后,隔天5/2/2017 星期日 ,翁氏总会与新加坡六桂堂连同六桂组织(洪、江、翁、方、龚、汪)的其他五姓兄弟组织,于花拉公园千禧楼摆设新春团拜暨敬老会午宴,款待各自会员宗亲。约有350多位宗亲族人欢聚于一堂,宏茂桥集选区议员洪鼎基宗长受邀担任宴会主宾。


On 4 February 2017, i.e. the 8th day of the first month of Chinese lunar calendar, Ang Shee General Association's (ASGA) committee and clan members gathered at the Association's premises to pay respects to our ancestors. The festive atmosphere was further heightened by a traditional lion dance performance, wishing everyone blessing and prosperity.

The day after the Spring Festival Ancestor Worship ceremony, on 5 February 2017, in conjunction with Singapore Liu Kwee Tang and the five other clans under the Liu Kwee Organisation (formed by six related clan associations, namely Hong(洪), Jiang(江), Weng(翁), Fang(方), Gong(龚), and Wang(汪)), the ASGA jointly held the Spring Festival Gathering cum "Respect the Elderly" Lunch Reception at the Qian Xi Restaurant (Farrer Park), to host their respective clan members. About 350 participants were in attendance, with MP for Ang Mo Kio GRC, clan elder Ang Hin Kee, as Guest of Honour.

This is the second consecutive year the Liu Kwee Organisation jointly hosted such an event after the Gong Association (龚氏公会)was established in 2015. In his speech, the chairman of the Liu Kwee Tang, clan elder Ong Lian Kwang (who is also the President of ASGA), called on the Liu Kwee Organisation to encourage their young members to join Liu Kwee Tang (六桂堂) as members, in an effort to cultivate the cultural identity and traditions of the younger generation. He expressed his hope that the Liu Kwee organisation would jointly hold a Mid-Autumn Festival party to celebrate a reunion of the clans in the year ahead.

​Event Photos

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