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Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations

Ang Shee General Association



活动开始前,各位理事宗亲自动自发地提前来到总会,为活动布置场地,准备礼品礼包,文琛宗亲不辞辛劳爬上爬下地为灯笼添上彩灯,桦姿宗亲和翁沈秀春宗亲帮忙切水果。当晚两光主席致欢迎词,欢迎各位宗亲们的到来。 虽说受场地所限,但各位小朋友们人手一个可爱的卡通气球,提着灯笼满屋子穿梭的身影,依然为我们带来欢乐的气氛,各位宗亲及家属朋友,有的坐在一起聊天,有的在娱乐室高歌一曲,济济一堂,赏着明月,品尝着美味佳肴。天涯共此时,千里共婵娟,整个活动气氛热烈温馨,让关爱精神传承发展。



序号 物品类别 报效宗亲
1 租桌椅 两光
2 炒薯根、豆干、鱼丸 海水
3 拍照 梁峰、 卫国
4 螃蟹、卤蛋、红糯米甜品 尔谦
5 月饼 瑞发、树发
6 汽水饮料 泽峰
7 啤酒 泉粒
8 一次性餐具 志强、光章
9 灯笼 本来、本典、文琛
10 水果(西瓜、蜜瓜、柚子、菠萝、橙子、梨) 朝山
11 零食、礼品 崕财、增才、生禧
12 咖喱鸡 瑗忆
13 炸鸡翅、炒饭 书标
14 咸蛋虾仁、椰花炒杂菜、烧鸭烧肉、炸虾枣、猪肠粉、冰块 添进
15 卤味、茶叶蛋 桦姿
16 炒米粉 志强、绣駯
17 沙拉 黄小姐
18 葡萄、噜咕 两凤
19 果冻甜品 爱治
20 红龟粿 文忠B

In the evening of 7 Sept 2014 at 6pm, the Women's, Recreational & Youth's Committees of Ang Shee General Association (ASGA) jointly organized the 5th annual Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration at the Association's premises.

As addition and alteration works carried out by the authority at the common area were in progress, the committee could not set up the marquee like in previous years, therefore performers were not invited to add on fun. Nevertheless, this did not affect the ASGA to celebrate this traditional festival. Coincided with school holidays, a total of nearly one hundred clan fellow members and relatives attended the party. Distinctive local cuisines prepared by committee members were presented in the form of buffet dinner. The food was delicious and mouthwatering, and all clan fellow members enjoyed themselves to a great extent.

On that day, the committee members arrived early at the venue to decorate the association hall and to prepare the door gifts. Clan fellow Wen Chen fixed the colorful lights onto the Lanterns and hang them up. Huay Tee and Siew Choon assisted in the cutting of fruits.

In his welcome speech, our President, Clan Elder Lian Kwang, mentioned that even though space was restricted by the upgrading works, but everyone still enjoyed the festive atmosphere with the children carrying the cartoon type of balloons and Lanterns around the premises. Clan fellow members and families sat together, some chatting with one another, some singing in the recreation room, and others enjoyed tasting the delicacies. The atmosphere was warm and spirit of mutual care was spreading around the venue.

This year gathering had attracted an increase of almost 30% of participants as compared to the previous year. At the end of the event, everyone left with a set of goodie bags and went home with deep affection.

Special thanks to the following Clan fellow members for their services and sponsored food, disposable tableware and gifts.

​Event Photos

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