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Parents' Day Lunch Gathering cum Committee (2017-18) Inauguration Ceremony

Qian Xi Paya Lebar Restaurant

5月1日,翁氏总会属下的妇女组与康乐组举办了一场精心策划的 "双亲节午餐聚会" 。此活动适逢理事会改选,因此同日于巴耶利峇千禧楼举行第36届暨互助会第31届(2017-2018)新理事就职典礼,并恭请本会名誉顾问海春PBM宗长主持监誓仪式。近220位会员宗亲及家属参与这项活动,相聚一堂,见证我会重要的一刻。







On 1 May 2017, the Women Committee and the Recreational Committee of Ang Shee General Association organised a Parents' Day lunch gathering. As this event coincided with the re-election of the Committee, it was held together with the inauguration ceremony of the 36th Executive Committee cum the 31th Benevolent Association Executive Committee (2017-2018) at Qian Xi (Paya Lebar) Restaurant. The inauguration ceremony was honoured to have our Honorary Advisor, clan elder Ang Hai Choon PBM to administer the oaths and affirmations. Nearly 220 members and their family members attended the event and witnessed the important moment of the Association.

The inauguration ceremony started at noon. The emcee invited all the newly elected Committee members on stage to take their oaths, witnessed by the Administer of Oath, clan elder Ang Hai Choon PBM. Led by the fourth consecutive re-elected General Affair Director, clan fellow member Ang Ah Chye, the Committee pledged to provide quality and hearty service to the Association and clan fellows, and to contribute to the society. Each newly elected Committee member then signed above their elected appointment in the record book to make further commitment. The whole solemn ceremony was officially completed after the transfer of financial duties to the elected Treasurer.
Group photograph was taken after the inauguration ceremony, followed by Parents' Day lunch. During lunch, cake-cutting ceremony was held in each table, wishing all the parents good health and happiness in life, full of love and blessing.

Living up to expectation, clan elder Lian Kwang was re-elected as President for the fourth consecutive term since year 2009. In his speech, he welcomed the seven new Committee members – clan fellows Kin Loke, Chang Hoe, Chon Lai, Liang Peng, Choon Bock, Ann Tzu and Yang Ting. He hoped that in his following two years term, the Association will be able to attract more young clan fellows to join as members. He was also ready to work closely with the Committee members to develop the Association, organise events, continue practising the objectives of the Association, and enhance the social influence of the Association. He wished all the participants good health and a happy Parents' Day with their family. At the same time, he informed the members that due to technical issue, this year anniversary celebration will be held on the third Saturday of December, but ancestor worship ceremony is as usual scheduled on the second Saturday of December (9 Dec 2017) at noon.

Ms. Huay Tee, Director of Women's Executive Committee, gave a speech thanking all the guests for their participation. She reminded the participants that the love from our parents is unconditional, therefore we should be grateful – Papa and mama, thank you for your great effort to bring us a better life!

This was followed by a speech by Honorary Committee Advisor, clan elder Hai Choon PBM, in which he wished the Committee could bring the Association to the next level of achievement.

The banquet lunch ended at 3pm. When the participants stepped out from the event hall, it was a sunny day, a meaningful day for them.

​Event Photos

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