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4/02/2017 – 农历正月初八,翁氏宗亲、理事们聚集于会所一起祭拜祖先、祈福。仪式后,两头双目炯炯的舞狮则舞动狮身,绕行会所大厅一周,象征迎新去旧。大伙儿围站见证采青时,只见狮子在地上"休息"片刻,再度跃起时,肚皮下变出单瓣柑橘拼成一个单字"旺",希望为宗亲们带来好运。

On 4 February 2017, i.e. the 8th day of the first month of Chinese lunar calendar, Ang Shee General Association's (ASGA) committee and clan members gathered at the Association's premises to pay respects to our ancestors. The festive atmosphere was further heightened by a traditional lion dance performance, wishing everyone blessing and prosperity.


Spring Festival Ancestor Worship Ceremony cum "Respect the Elderly" Lunch Reception


5月1日,翁氏总会属下的妇女组与康乐组举办了一场精心策划的 "双亲节午餐聚会" 。此活动适逢理事会改选,因此同日于巴耶利峇千禧楼举行第36届暨互助会第31届(2017-2018)新理事就职典礼,并恭请本会名誉顾问海春PBM宗长主持监誓仪式。近220位会员宗亲及家属参与这项活动,相聚一堂,见证我会重要的一刻。


Parents' Day Lunch Gathering cum Committee (2017-18) Inauguration Ceremony



At the dusk on 5 August 2017, the seaside of East Coast Park was lively. Leaves of the coconut trees were swaying in the cool breeze. Viewing from the lawn beside the beach to the vast ocean, you could see a lot of boats berthed there. The sky was blue and the clouds covered the sunset glow, connecting the sky and the sea. At this beautiful moment, Ang Shee General Association Youth Committee organised a barbecue gathering at the lawn. The event attracted numerous members coming along with their family members.


Barbecue Gathering



Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the important traditional Chinese festivals, and is also a festival of reunion. Therefore, the Women Committee and Recreational Committee held a Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration at the Association's premises at 6pm on 30 Sep 2017 (i.e. 11th day of the 8th month in Lunar Calendar).


Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration


11月2日早上7点,翁氏总会一行18人集合于樟宜机场第一大厦,准备飞往福建省最著名、素有 "海上明珠" 之称的滨海城市–厦门。


5D4N Tour To Fujian Province of China cum Cultural Exchange



To celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the foundation of ASGA, an ancestor worship ceremony was held on 9/12/17 at the Association's Yan Guan Hall. On that day, the rite of chanting scriptures was led by the Taoist Priest, asking for ancestors' blessing for good health and successful career for the clan members, and praying for better tomorrow. The Association also organised a banquet on 16/12/17 at Paya Lebar Qian Xi Restaurant to serve the members. The Association's Honorary Advisor cum Trustee, clan elder Hai Choon PBM, was the Guest-of-Honor.


52nd Anniversary Celebrations


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