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翁氏祠堂 | Ang Shees Ancestral Hall

翁氏祠堂 | Ang Shees Ancestral Hall

2017 中国福建省五天四夜旅游及交流 11月2日早上7点,翁氏总会一行18人集合于樟宜机场第一大厦,准备飞往福建省最著名、素有 "海上明珠" 之称的滨海城市–厦门。 隔天早餐后,宗亲们先前往"中国十大魅力名鎮"–泰宁,搭乘竹筏漂流上清溪看丹霞(丹霞定义为"有陡崖的陆上红层地貌"),上清溪景色秀丽,号称有 " 九十九曲八十八滩",水面最宽处不过20米,最窄处只容双排竹筏通过。两岸人迹罕至,森林茂盛,方圆几十哩内仍保持原始状态,形成弯多、滩急、山高、林密、峽逼的特点。随后参观状元街青铜雕塑群、状元文化广场,漫步尚书第古街。 第三天,宗亲们应邀前往莆田市北高鎮竹庄村翁氏祠堂,拜谒祖先、叙说乡情后,两地宗亲在祠堂前合影留念。午餐后,续程前往安溪龙门科榜村进宝殿。 第四天早餐后,团队续程到湖头翁氏宗祠。午饭后游览清水岩,它是一座坐落在山上供奉清水祖师的庙宇。随后团队走访了城隍庙以及中国茶都、品尝了安溪官桥豆干和湖头米粉。然后返回厦门入住酒店,晚间在中山路购物、自由活动。 第五天早餐后,大伙儿到当地的菜市场逛逛。中午在南普陀享用素宴,随后前往机场乘搭航班返回温暖的家园。 ----------------------------------- 2017 5D4N Tour To Fujian Province of China cum Cultural Exchange On 2 Nov 2017 at 7.00 a.m., a group of 18 clansmen from Ang Shee General Association assembled at Changi Airport Terminal 1, heading toward the most well-known "Pearl of the Seas" coastal Xiamen City of Fujian Province, China. The next day after breakfast, the group of clansmen visited "China top ten charming town-Taining", they had a ride on bamboo rafts drifting up the limpid stream to view Danxia (The definition of Danxia is the red-surface landform of the cliff). The scenery of which is beautiful, so-called "Nighty-nine curves and Eighty-eight beaches". The widest part of this stream is not more than twenty meters, and the narrowest part only allows it to pass through for two rows of bamboo rafts. Both sides of the shore are inaccessible and the forest is flourishing and this area of several ten miles still remains its original state. This place has formed special features of numerous turns, rapid stream, high Mountain, thick forest, and narrow ravine. After that, the group then visited the Bronze Sculpture Group in Zhuangyuan Street, Zhuangyuan Cultural Square, and a stroll along Shangshu Digu Street. On the third day, the group visited the Wengshi Ancestral Hall at Zhuzhuang Village, Beigao Town, Putian City, where they paid their respect to the ancestors and had a chat about the old days. After having a group picture taken as a memento and taken lunch, the group proceeded to Kebang Village Jinbao Hall located in Longmen Town in Anxi County, Xiamen City, Fujian Province. On the fourth day, after breakfast, the group visited Wengshi Ancestral Hall at Hutou. After lunch, they went sightseeing at Qingshui Yan where is a Temple located in the mountain worshiping the Qingshui founder. After that, they visited Chenghuang Temple and the China Tea Capital tasting the Guanqiao dried bean curd and Hutou Meefen. Then the group returned to Xiamen and check-in at the hotel and had their free time at night for shopping. On the fifth day, after breakfast, all of them visited the local food market until noon and went for a vegetarian lunch at Nan Pu Tuo, then headed to the airport for returning to our warm hometown.
2016 中秋节联欢晚宴 | 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Dinner Video 3

2016 中秋节联欢晚宴 | 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Dinner Video 3

由妇女组及康乐组于11/9/2016 星期日举办的第10届中秋晚间聚餐圆满结束,约有50 多位宗亲及家属参加当晚的活动。 当晚,宗亲们在台上张灯结彩布置的灯笼,吸引了许多附近的居民和路人围观。 主席两光宗长致欢迎词时祝福宗亲们生活愉快,有个平稳的未来;鼓励新加入的会员宗亲多响应出席各组的活动,感谢妇女组为宗亲准备了一连串有趣又精彩的娱乐节目。宗亲们一起欢唱卡拉OK, 同时享用事先准备的丰富美味佳肴和品尝月饼,分享工作经验和孩子的成长趣事等。 小朋友们高高兴兴的提着电子灯笼让场面更热闹,这也是增进宗亲情的好环境。过后,理事们还准备了月饼礼袋赠送给出席的宗亲。 妇女组主任桦姿宗姐特别感谢宗亲们的出席与合作,祝福大家佳节快乐,合家团团圆圆! On 11/9/2016 the Women's and Recreational Committee organised its 10th Mid-Autumn Festival celebration dinner, with more than 50 clan fellow members and family members in attendance. That night, the stage was decorated with electric lanterns, which attracted neighbours and passers-by to stop and take in the sight. In his opening address, President Lian Kwang wished all clan members and their families a happy life and smooth sailing ahead, while encouraging new clan members to actively participate in clan activities. He expressed his appreciation to the Women's Committee for their dedication and hard work in planning a series of fun, exciting programs for this event. During his speech, clan members tucked into the buffet dinner, which was prepared by fellow clan members. While some enjoyed the delectable food and moon-cakes, while others went on stage to sing karaoke. The children also had fun as they carried their electric lanterns around the area, chatting happily along the way. The atmosphere was warm and the spirit of clanship filled the venue. In her speech, Women's Committee Director Ms. Ang Huay Tee thanked her fellow clan members for their participation and wished everyone a happy festive period and a day of family reunion. At the end of the event, everyone left with a set of goodie bags, returning home with deep affection in their hearts.
2016 中秋节联欢晚宴 | 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Dinner Video 2

2016 中秋节联欢晚宴 | 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Dinner Video 2

由妇女组及康乐组于11/9/2016 星期日举办的第10届中秋晚间聚餐圆满结束,约有50 多位宗亲及家属参加当晚的活动。 当晚,宗亲们在台上张灯结彩布置的灯笼,吸引了许多附近的居民和路人围观。 主席两光宗长致欢迎词时祝福宗亲们生活愉快,有个平稳的未来;鼓励新加入的会员宗亲多响应出席各组的活动,感谢妇女组为宗亲准备了一连串有趣又精彩的娱乐节目。宗亲们一起欢唱卡拉OK, 同时享用事先准备的丰富美味佳肴和品尝月饼,分享工作经验和孩子的成长趣事等。 小朋友们高高兴兴的提着电子灯笼让场面更热闹,这也是增进宗亲情的好环境。过后,理事们还准备了月饼礼袋赠送给出席的宗亲。 妇女组主任桦姿宗姐特别感谢宗亲们的出席与合作,祝福大家佳节快乐,合家团团圆圆! On 11/9/2016 the Women's and Recreational Committee organised its 10th Mid-Autumn Festival celebration dinner, with more than 50 clan fellow members and family members in attendance. That night, the stage was decorated with electric lanterns, which attracted neighbours and passers-by to stop and take in the sight. In his opening address, President Lian Kwang wished all clan members and their families a happy life and smooth sailing ahead, while encouraging new clan members to actively participate in clan activities. He expressed his appreciation to the Women's Committee for their dedication and hard work in planning a series of fun, exciting programs for this event. During his speech, clan members tucked into the buffet dinner, which was prepared by fellow clan members. While some enjoyed the delectable food and moon-cakes, while others went on stage to sing karaoke. The children also had fun as they carried their electric lanterns around the area, chatting happily along the way. The atmosphere was warm and the spirit of clanship filled the venue. In her speech, Women's Committee Director Ms. Ang Huay Tee thanked her fellow clan members for their participation and wished everyone a happy festive period and a day of family reunion. At the end of the event, everyone left with a set of goodie bags, returning home with deep affection in their hearts.
2016 中秋节联欢晚宴 | 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Dinner Video 3

2016 中秋节联欢晚宴 | 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Dinner Video 3

由妇女组及康乐组于11/9/2016 星期日举办的第10届中秋晚间聚餐圆满结束,约有50 多位宗亲及家属参加当晚的活动。 当晚,宗亲们在台上张灯结彩布置的灯笼,吸引了许多附近的居民和路人围观。 主席两光宗长致欢迎词时祝福宗亲们生活愉快,有个平稳的未来;鼓励新加入的会员宗亲多响应出席各组的活动,感谢妇女组为宗亲准备了一连串有趣又精彩的娱乐节目。宗亲们一起欢唱卡拉OK, 同时享用事先准备的丰富美味佳肴和品尝月饼,分享工作经验和孩子的成长趣事等。 小朋友们高高兴兴的提着电子灯笼让场面更热闹,这也是增进宗亲情的好环境。过后,理事们还准备了月饼礼袋赠送给出席的宗亲。 妇女组主任桦姿宗姐特别感谢宗亲们的出席与合作,祝福大家佳节快乐,合家团团圆圆! On 11/9/2016 the Women's and Recreational Committee organised its 10th Mid-Autumn Festival celebration dinner, with more than 50 clan fellow members and family members in attendance. That night, the stage was decorated with electric lanterns, which attracted neighbours and passers-by to stop and take in the sight. In his opening address, President Lian Kwang wished all clan members and their families a happy life and smooth sailing ahead, while encouraging new clan members to actively participate in clan activities. He expressed his appreciation to the Women's Committee for their dedication and hard work in planning a series of fun, exciting programs for this event. During his speech, clan members tucked into the buffet dinner, which was prepared by fellow clan members. While some enjoyed the delectable food and moon-cakes, while others went on stage to sing karaoke. The children also had fun as they carried their electric lanterns around the area, chatting happily along the way. The atmosphere was warm and the spirit of clanship filled the venue. In her speech, Women's Committee Director Ms. Ang Huay Tee thanked her fellow clan members for their participation and wished everyone a happy festive period and a day of family reunion. At the end of the event, everyone left with a set of goodie bags, returning home with deep affection in their hearts.
2016 中秋节联欢晚宴 | 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Dinner Video 2

2016 中秋节联欢晚宴 | 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Dinner Video 2

由妇女组及康乐组于11/9/2016 星期日举办的第10届中秋晚间聚餐圆满结束,约有50 多位宗亲及家属参加当晚的活动。 当晚,宗亲们在台上张灯结彩布置的灯笼,吸引了许多附近的居民和路人围观。 主席两光宗长致欢迎词时祝福宗亲们生活愉快,有个平稳的未来;鼓励新加入的会员宗亲多响应出席各组的活动,感谢妇女组为宗亲准备了一连串有趣又精彩的娱乐节目。宗亲们一起欢唱卡拉OK, 同时享用事先准备的丰富美味佳肴和品尝月饼,分享工作经验和孩子的成长趣事等。 小朋友们高高兴兴的提着电子灯笼让场面更热闹,这也是增进宗亲情的好环境。过后,理事们还准备了月饼礼袋赠送给出席的宗亲。 妇女组主任桦姿宗姐特别感谢宗亲们的出席与合作,祝福大家佳节快乐,合家团团圆圆! On 11/9/2016 the Women's and Recreational Committee organised its 10th Mid-Autumn Festival celebration dinner, with more than 50 clan fellow members and family members in attendance. That night, the stage was decorated with electric lanterns, which attracted neighbours and passers-by to stop and take in the sight. In his opening address, President Lian Kwang wished all clan members and their families a happy life and smooth sailing ahead, while encouraging new clan members to actively participate in clan activities. He expressed his appreciation to the Women's Committee for their dedication and hard work in planning a series of fun, exciting programs for this event. During his speech, clan members tucked into the buffet dinner, which was prepared by fellow clan members. While some enjoyed the delectable food and moon-cakes, while others went on stage to sing karaoke. The children also had fun as they carried their electric lanterns around the area, chatting happily along the way. The atmosphere was warm and the spirit of clanship filled the venue. In her speech, Women's Committee Director Ms. Ang Huay Tee thanked her fellow clan members for their participation and wished everyone a happy festive period and a day of family reunion. At the end of the event, everyone left with a set of goodie bags, returning home with deep affection in their hearts.
2016 中秋节联欢晚宴 | 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Dinner Video 1

2016 中秋节联欢晚宴 | 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Dinner Video 1

由妇女组及康乐组于11/9/2016 星期日举办的第10届中秋晚间聚餐圆满结束,约有50 多位宗亲及家属参加当晚的活动。 当晚,宗亲们在台上张灯结彩布置的灯笼,吸引了许多附近的居民和路人围观。 主席两光宗长致欢迎词时祝福宗亲们生活愉快,有个平稳的未来;鼓励新加入的会员宗亲多响应出席各组的活动,感谢妇女组为宗亲准备了一连串有趣又精彩的娱乐节目。宗亲们一起欢唱卡拉OK, 同时享用事先准备的丰富美味佳肴和品尝月饼,分享工作经验和孩子的成长趣事等。 小朋友们高高兴兴的提着电子灯笼让场面更热闹,这也是增进宗亲情的好环境。过后,理事们还准备了月饼礼袋赠送给出席的宗亲。 妇女组主任桦姿宗姐特别感谢宗亲们的出席与合作,祝福大家佳节快乐,合家团团圆圆! On 11/9/2016 the Women's and Recreational Committee organised its 10th Mid-Autumn Festival celebration dinner, with more than 50 clan fellow members and family members in attendance. That night, the stage was decorated with electric lanterns, which attracted neighbours and passers-by to stop and take in the sight. In his opening address, President Lian Kwang wished all clan members and their families a happy life and smooth sailing ahead, while encouraging new clan members to actively participate in clan activities. He expressed his appreciation to the Women's Committee for their dedication and hard work in planning a series of fun, exciting programs for this event. During his speech, clan members tucked into the buffet dinner, which was prepared by fellow clan members. While some enjoyed the delectable food and moon-cakes, while others went on stage to sing karaoke. The children also had fun as they carried their electric lanterns around the area, chatting happily along the way. The atmosphere was warm and the spirit of clanship filled the venue. In her speech, Women's Committee Director Ms. Ang Huay Tee thanked her fellow clan members for their participation and wished everyone a happy festive period and a day of family reunion. At the end of the event, everyone left with a set of goodie bags, returning home with deep affection in their hearts.
第五届(2014)双亲节庆祝活动 | 5th Annual Parents' Day's Celebration Video 2

第五届(2014)双亲节庆祝活动 | 5th Annual Parents' Day's Celebration Video 2

人间最美是真情,人间最真是亲情,人间最值得珍惜的莫过于父母对子女的爱,人间最无私的情莫过于父母对子女的情。又是一年一度双亲节来临之际,翁氏总会第五届双亲节活动于2014年5月1日在巴耶利巴千禧楼举行,此次温馨欢乐聚餐会由妇女组、康乐组共同筹办,在各位理事及宗亲们的热心支持下,午餐聚会获得了圆满的成功,当天席开22席。 上午11时许,主席两光宗长、总务崕财宗亲,互助会主席本来宗亲、副主席瑞发宗亲等一早就在千禧楼确定一切安排事项及迎候各位理事宗亲及家属们,并与他们问候寒暄。在宗亲们陆续落座后,在敦琚宗亲带来的经典老歌中,宗亲们的卡拉OK演唱也拉开了序幕。中午12点半左右,两光主席致欢迎词:感谢妇女组、康乐组的精心筹备,及在全体理事的鼎力支持下,总会会务蒸蒸日上,更寄语年轻后辈能更多地参与总会的会务和活动,使本会更具凝聚力,会务更上一层楼。宴会正式开始,一时间,欢笑声、歌声,此起彼伏,大家共叙宗亲情谊,场面十分温馨,尤其是妇女组组员为大家表演的集体舞,歌唱和舞蹈表演,令人耳目一新,活跃了现场气氛,穿插其间的游戏节目,带动全场的注意力,宗亲们都涌上台前围观拍照,呐喊加油,更把欢庆温馨的气氛推上了高潮。 人们常说父爱如山,母爱似海,世上的衡器多的不可数,无法丈量他们的深度与广度,透过父母那额角的皱纹,还有那两鬓的白发,我们能看见那一颗颗水晶般的心。本会产业信托人海春PBM宗长、会务顾问任成B宗长、主席两光和各位理事们走上台前,主持切蛋糕仪式,每桌一起切蛋糕,祝福天下父母亲们健康快乐,并举杯祝福在座各位理事及家属们双亲幸福长寿,家庭美满!活动在欢乐的歌声中结束。 In life, truthfulness and selfless love shown by parents for their children are the most beautiful, affectionate and everlasting love of all. As parents' day was around the corner, Ang Shee General Association (ASGA) held its 5th annual parents' day celebration on 1st May 2014 at Qian Xi (Paya Lebar) Restaurant with a banquet lunch. The warm and festive gathering was jointly organized by the Women's and Recreation group, with the enthusiastic response from clan fellow and committee members, the event was carried out smoothly with some 220 participants turning up. On that day, clan elder Lian Kwang (President); clan fellow members Ah Chye (General Affairs Director); Poon Lai (President Of Benevolent Association); Swee Huat (Vice-president Of Benevolent Association), etc. arrived as early as 11.00am to ensure that everything was in order and to welcome all guests at the entrance of the restaurant. While the guests were being seated, the DJ started playing old classic songs from CDs brought by clan fellow member Toon Kee. As a prelude to the opening of the festivities, participants sang Karaoke. At around 12.30 pm, the emcee invited clan elder Lian Kwang (President) to give his opening address. In his opening speech, clan elder Lian Kwang (President) thanked the organizing committee for their dedication, contribution, and hard work in planning for this event, and to all members for their support. He also indicated his satisfaction with the business of the Association. He hoped that with the strong support from committee members, young members would be more active in the committee and increase their participation in organized events so that ASGA would be more cohesive and the Association would be bought to the next higher level. After the address, banquet lunch was served, participants sang Karaoke in between game sessions. At one stage, supporters of participants came nearer to the stage to take photographs, and laughter filled the hall. As usual, group dance performances by the Women's committee members brought the festivities to a dramatic climax. A quote from a Chinese Proverb says that a Father's Love is as great as a mountain; a Mother's Love is as broad and deep as the sea, and there is not a weighing machine in the world that can measure the depth and breadth of their Love for their children. It can only be known if one observes the wrinkles on their forehead and the whiteness of their hair then could one be able to understand the effort that they had put in. ASGA's Honorary Advisor cum Trustee clan elder Hai Choon PBM; Gee Seng (Committee Advisor); Lian Kwang (President) and the committee members were invited to the stage for mass cake-cutting ceremony and proposed three grand toasts with all guests, blessing everyone good health; longevity; happy life and smooth progress of the Association. The event ended with joyful Karaoke singing.
第五届(2014)双亲节庆祝活动 | 5th Annual Parents' Day's Celebration Video 1

第五届(2014)双亲节庆祝活动 | 5th Annual Parents' Day's Celebration Video 1

人间最美是真情,人间最真是亲情,人间最值得珍惜的莫过于父母对子女的爱,人间最无私的情莫过于父母对子女的情。又是一年一度双亲节来临之际,翁氏总会第五届双亲节活动于2014年5月1日在巴耶利巴千禧楼举行,此次温馨欢乐聚餐会由妇女组、康乐组共同筹办,在各位理事及宗亲们的热心支持下,午餐聚会获得了圆满的成功,当天席开22席。 上午11时许,主席两光宗长、总务崕财宗亲,互助会主席本来宗亲、副主席瑞发宗亲等一早就在千禧楼确定一切安排事项及迎候各位理事宗亲及家属们,并与他们问候寒暄。在宗亲们陆续落座后,在敦琚宗亲带来的经典老歌中,宗亲们的卡拉OK演唱也拉开了序幕。中午12点半左右,两光主席致欢迎词:感谢妇女组、康乐组的精心筹备,及在全体理事的鼎力支持下,总会会务蒸蒸日上,更寄语年轻后辈能更多地参与总会的会务和活动,使本会更具凝聚力,会务更上一层楼。宴会正式开始,一时间,欢笑声、歌声,此起彼伏,大家共叙宗亲情谊,场面十分温馨,尤其是妇女组组员为大家表演的集体舞,歌唱和舞蹈表演,令人耳目一新,活跃了现场气氛,穿插其间的游戏节目,带动全场的注意力,宗亲们都涌上台前围观拍照,呐喊加油,更把欢庆温馨的气氛推上了高潮。 人们常说父爱如山,母爱似海,世上的衡器多的不可数,无法丈量他们的深度与广度,透过父母那额角的皱纹,还有那两鬓的白发,我们能看见那一颗颗水晶般的心。本会产业信托人海春PBM宗长、会务顾问任成B宗长、主席两光和各位理事们走上台前,主持切蛋糕仪式,每桌一起切蛋糕,祝福天下父母亲们健康快乐,并举杯祝福在座各位理事及家属们双亲幸福长寿,家庭美满!活动在欢乐的歌声中结束。 In life, truthfulness and selfless love shown by parents for their children are the most beautiful, affectionate and everlasting love of all. As parents' day was around the corner, Ang Shee General Association (ASGA) held its 5th annual parents' day celebration on 1st May 2014 at Qian Xi (Paya Lebar) Restaurant with a banquet lunch. The warm and festive gathering was jointly organized by the Women's and Recreation group, with the enthusiastic response from clan fellow and committee members, the event was carried out smoothly with some 220 participants turning up. On that day, clan elder Lian Kwang (President); clan fellow members Ah Chye (General Affairs Director); Poon Lai (President Of Benevolent Association); Swee Huat (Vice-president Of Benevolent Association), etc. arrived as early as 11.00am to ensure that everything was in order and to welcome all guests at the entrance of the restaurant. While the guests were being seated, the DJ started playing old classic songs from CDs brought by clan fellow member Toon Kee. As a prelude to the opening of the festivities, participants sang Karaoke. At around 12.30 pm, the emcee invited clan elder Lian Kwang (President) to give his opening address. In his opening speech, clan elder Lian Kwang (President) thanked the organizing committee for their dedication, contribution, and hard work in planning for this event, and to all members for their support. He also indicated his satisfaction with the business of the Association. He hoped that with the strong support from committee members, young members would be more active in the committee and increase their participation in organized events so that ASGA would be more cohesive and the Association would be bought to the next higher level. After the address, banquet lunch was served, participants sang Karaoke in between game sessions. At one stage, supporters of participants came nearer to the stage to take photographs, and laughter filled the hall. As usual, group dance performances by the Women's committee members brought the festivities to a dramatic climax. A quote from a Chinese Proverb says that a Father's Love is as great as a mountain; a Mother's Love is as broad and deep as the sea, and there is not a weighing machine in the world that can measure the depth and breadth of their Love for their children. It can only be known if one observes the wrinkles on their forehead and the whiteness of their hair then could one be able to understand the effort that they had put in. ASGA's Honorary Advisor cum Trustee clan elder Hai Choon PBM; Gee Seng (Committee Advisor); Lian Kwang (President) and the committee members were invited to the stage for mass cake-cutting ceremony and proposed three grand toasts with all guests, blessing everyone good health; longevity; happy life and smooth progress of the Association. The event ended with joyful Karaoke singing.
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